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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Catching Up

Wow its been a long time since I've blogged. So I'm going to ease back into it and do a catch up post complete with monthly pictures of the little nugget. Life certainly changes when you have a baby. No one could have ever prepared me for how life changes. Sure, people tell you you will feel differently about life or your priorities change. You just can't appreciate how much your outlook of life will change until you have a child. For me it didn't change immediately. It wasn't like he popped out and my entire theory of life changed. It was more gradual. The longer I spent being a mother and looking at this special blessing, the more things began shifting inside me. I can't explain it, I just know that life will never be the same and I don't want it to be. Everything is just...more now. I haven't figure out how to put it into words to explain, but everything is just more. I know I don't make any sense. I'll keep working on putting it into words that do make sense. For now, here are the pictures for each month until now, six months. 

Gosh its amazing how time flies when you're having fun. I still cannot believe its been six months already. I'm really afraid I'll blink and he'll be six years old. Where does time go??

Our Early Thanksgiving Turkey

This was from so long ago, but here is the post of Cullum's birth and the aftermath.

So our little turkey decided to make an early entrance into this world. Sorry its taken me so long to get to the  details of his arrival, but as I've realized over the last almost two weeks, there isn't much time when there's a new baby goes...

Cullum was born on November 14th at 12:14 and weighed in at 5 pounds and 13 ounces. It all started early that Wednesday morning. I woke up around 2 am because I had a dream that my water broke. Once I woke up enough to realize that my water hadn't broken I realized I needed to go to the bathroom. (Here's my warning: there could be some gory details or TMI moments in this story, but I'm a bit of an oversharer-er. If you don't want to know my in depth personal story, you should stop reading now.) When I was climbing back in bed I realized my pajama bottoms were a little damp so I went back in the bathroom and checked it all out and there was a pink tinge to my pjs. WHAT?! After freaking out a bit to myself I woke up Ryan and asked him what he thought, to which he replied, 'I have no clue, call the doctor's help line or something' and went and climbed back in bed. I called and they were SUPER helpful (insert sarcastic font here). Maybe it was because it was 2 am and I was waking them up, maybe it was because I was the 43rd slightly hysterical pregnant lady they talked to that night, or maybe they just didn't care that my water may or may not have broken, but she basically said if I wasn't having contractions to just wait until the office opened at 8 that morning. 8:00 in the morning? Did she realize it was just 2:00 and that was a long way away? Apparently not.

So I went back to lay down and wait for some contractions or more water leakage. For the next three hours I waited for something, anything to happen. I tried to go back to sleep, but who could sleep at a time like this?! I finally broke down and called my mom around 5:00, because who else does a girl call when she doesn't know what to do with girly stuff? After a pep talk from mom and deciding not to let them come to Athens until we knew something more definite, I got up to go to the bathroom once again at which point there was blood evidence that something was going on in the nether regions. I decided I couldn't wait until the office opened up and got ready to go to the hospital. Apparently if you just think you might be in labor you can just waltz up to Labor and Delivery and ask to be admitted. (After you've checked in at registration like you're checking into a hospital). I went to wake up Ryan and got ready to head to the hospital. I, of course, showered, shaved my legs, dried and straightened my hair, put on just the right amount of make up, emailed everyone at work, and even repacked my hospital bag because hey, I could, and my fashion sense had changed since the last time I packed the bag. I even convinced Ryan to let me eat breakfast because I knew once I got to the hospital there was no telling when I would get to eat again. This turned out to be a mistake, but more on that later.

After getting settled in and checked by the nurses, they didn't even know for sure if my water had broken. At this point its about 7:00 am and I'm still not feeling any contractions what so ever. However, the nurse said she thought I was 3 cm dilated  WHAT?! How did that happen? She then reassures me I could have been 3 cm dialated for the past two weeks or even the next three weeks, and to not get excited. Thanks Debbie Downer. So then I began the waiting game. Ryan looked at me about two hours later to say he didn't think we would be having a baby that day. I knew I wasn't "feeling" contractions, but felt pressure and so wasn't so sure we would be heading home empty handed. The doctor came in to check me and this is where all the fun begins. TMI warning...

After my fantastic doctor (who I'm so glad was there that day) checked me because even she wasn't so sure my water broke, whatever she did 'down there' made the rest of my water break. When people say its like peeing yourself, it really really is like that. The funny part is there were two med students standing at her shoulder watching the whole thing and their faces were priceless. At one point one of the med students commented, "I've never seen that happen before". Well I'm glad I could be that person for you...and I'm pretty sure I said those words to her. Stay tuned because that med student has more comical comments in this story...Oh and I was now officially 5 cm dilated.  I don't know who was more shocked, the doctor or myself. How did I get to 5 cm and not be screaming for pain meds? I'm the biggest pansy when it comes to pain, I was so impressed with myself. I called mom and told her to book it to Athens at which point the doctor says she's not so sure mom will make it before the baby gets here. I was so shocked it was all happening so fast! It was all so surreal!

After my water "officially" broke I definitely felt those contractions they kept talking about. So when they came in and asked if I would be planning on an epidural I said yes and how early could they start that process. There was an hour in there I didn't think was very fun, and I'm pretty sure Ryan had fingernail indentations on his hands, but we made it through and when the doctor came back in I was around 8 cm dilated and the anesthesiologist came in to give me the epidural. I had the best nurse on the planet. Somehow she got me through the labor pains while getting the epidural and explained every step of the way so I wouldn't be hysterical. Loved her. Everything went really fast from this point on. So many people were having babies that week that there literally was no room in the Inn. We were basically in the triage room that was the size of my closet at home. They even moved most of the furniture into the bathroom to make room for the delivery team. Yes that's right, the bathroom. I didn't care as long as I could deliver a healthy baby boy.

We waited about 20 more minutes and then started pushing. The doctor couldn't believe how low the baby was or how rapid my labor was progressing. Neither could I sister. Neither could I. So I pushed for around 15 minutes and Cullum made his appearance soon after that. The first thing I thought when he came out was how small he was! Quickly followed by the thought, "Holy crap I can't believe I just did that and it really wasn't that bad!"

It all happened so fast my poor mother didn't even have time to make it from Birmingham  She was on her way, but thought surely there would be enough time to get there before the baby came, but she arrived about 45 minutes after he was born. So to sum it up, we arrived at the hospital around 7 am and Cullum was born at 12:14. I'll never forget the nurse yelling that when Cullum came out, it was all very Grey's Anatomy. I loved the nurses at the hospital. They were so great and personal. I really felt like they took an extra special interest in us and were so kind during the whole stay. Couldn't say nicer things about our hospital. :)

Everything after that was a blur. The day flew by. Mom finally got there, my precious Aunt Jane drove to Athens because she knew mom wouldn't make it there in time and she wanted Ryan and I to have family. My cousin Sadie and her two kiddos came by to see us and my girls from work popped in to say hey. And best of all, the most perfect thing I've ever done in my life, the most precious gift I was ever given, and my greatest accomplishment so far, all this happened on that day. So far, my favorite day.

Okay, now for some pictures.

Last belly picture before heading to the hospital. 

Mommy ready to go. 

Daddy ready to go. 

First moments with the little man. 

Daddy's first moments with little man. 

Cute father son moment. 

Ryan's parents seeing Cullum for the first time. 

My dad meeting Cullum for the first time, which is making me realize I don't have any pictures with my mom and Cullum for the first time. Best daughter ever. :(

Ryan changing the first diaper. For him and for Cullum.