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Monday, August 13, 2012

22 and 23 Weeks Preggo

Okay before I start this post I have to preface this by saying things have changed a WHOLE lot since I went back to work. I am here confessing that I am a couch potato. And this summer I lived it up. Before I sit here and bash myself for this entire blog post let me first say yes, I am a teacher and thus get the summer "off". However I have never had a summer off until this summer. I've worked every summer since I was 16 for the sheer reason I liked the extra income. Last summer I was getting married so I can't say I had a free summer, I was planning a stinking wedding in three months. That is not a summer off let me tell you. But this summer was the first and only official summer with no working. I say that because next summer I will have an infant and will not be able to live up my couch potato-ness. Ok, so we've established I'm lazy over the summer. A typical day was spent slowly waking up on the couch with my coffee until around 10:00 at which point I may or may not have gotten out of my pajamas. There were frequent trips to the library, frequent trips to bodies of water to lay beside, and frequent trips to the refrigerator. When I went back to school around five months preggo, you could barely tell I was pregnant. However, since returning to work, the girth of my stomach has increased a good bit according to what I perceive. My sweet mother informed me if was probably because I was lying down most of the summer and when forced back to work, Cullum had no choice but to fall forward with the sheer position of my body now being upright all day long. Ha! Probably true Mom, probably true. Needless to say I'm no longer a chubby girl and officially a pregnant girl.

I do think its really funny to watch the parents/students at school try to decide if I'm pregnant. I have had the same morning duty for going on three years, so for most of the parents who come down by side of the school they've been looking at me in the mornings for two years now. However, when they pass me now its funny to watch them look at my protruding belly and try not to look too long to make it awkward as well as try and figure out if I am in fact pregnant without coming out and asking. I find this entertaining while I'm perched on my morning duty post. It keeps things interesting. Onto the pictures and stats.

Symptoms: Since I was a slacker all summer long I'll be honest and say it was physically hard on my body to go back to school. I wasn't used to being up that early or on my feet that long or even close to used to walking around that much in a day. I did struggle with the physical side of going back to work and even felt pregnant for the first time. It was not pleasant that first week, but since I've adjusted I feel much more like myself and don't go home limping each day like I did the first week.

Maternity Clothes: I'm in maternity clothes half of the time. I've arranged my pre-maternity clothes in a system so that I know which pants I need to go ahead and wear with my belly band while I can and which pants I have a little room to grow into still. I have maternity pants/bottoms that I wear if I'm just feeling extra pregnant that day. I will say it takes me three times as long to get ready in the morning because I put one outfit on and it just doesn't feel right/look good and I can go through four different outfits before I get out the door. One of the girls I work with hit the nail on the head when she said I was still wanting my clothes to look and fit the way they did before I was pregnant and that's just not the way it is anymore. True Amy, very true. Thank you for that insightful piece of advice. I am a round pregnant woman and I'm not going to be as cute as I was before I was pregnant. :(

Sleep: I haven't been sleeping well lately but that has nothing to do with being pregnant. That has something to do with the fact that our school is under construction, my classroom is still nowhere close to ready for children even though this is the second week of school, and car rider tag numbers which I have found myself in charge of this year...don't ask I'm liable to go postal on you over some car tags. I even dream about setting up my classroom, dream of organizing parts of the school that are driving me crazy, and spend the entire night passing out car tags to my dreams. Pray for my dear husband who is having to survive me streamlining our house since I can't do it at work.

Cravings: Nothing unusual. I did gain a good bit of weight since returning to work. :( So obviously I have no problem eating everything and anything. Anything sounds good these days, so nothing in particular.

Baby Size: Around 11 1/2 inches long or one pound or the size of a chapter book. So the websites say.

Movement: Oh buddy some movement. He's a mover and a shaker. Mostly when I lay flat and mostly at night right before I go to sleep. I told Ryan the other night I look forward to going to bed now because I get to feel Cullum move around so much. Such an amazing feeling!

Looking Forward to: We worked on some more furniture for the nursery. I'll post pictures soon, but I'm looking forward to getting more work done in the nursery and more finalized what it will look like as the final product. First I have to talk Ryan out of calling it the "man room" and instead refer to it as "Cullum's room", you know our child, who is coming in a few short weeks. Baby steps people.

23 Weeks Pregnant


Week 22 Pregnant

Big difference between week 22 and 23! I also made Ryan start taking pictures in our living room. The mirror was just too hard to get a good picture. Out of 20 pictures I usually could use 2. Have I mentioned I want a new camera? 

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