Tomorrow is a big day for the Crowe's. We get to find out what baby Crowe is, other than a baby :) We both couldn't be more excited and of course we will be happy with whatever we get. Its weird because up until now I haven't really felt pregnant. I don't exactly look pregnant, I'm still in the awkward chubby phase, and I haven't really felt the baby move all that much. However, finding out what's been hanging out in there and being able to call it by name is making this whole fantastic experience a whole lot more real.
Speaking of chubby, Ryan and I have a joke for this phase of being preggo, its the "chubby girl" phase. I'll explain...the chubby girl phase is when you personally know you're pregnant and your pants don't fit and you feel like everything makes you look just well...chubby. The people around you who know you're pregnant are nice enough to say, 'yes I can totally tell you're pregnant', when really they're wondering how many twinkies I'm up to each day. The chubby girl phase also may include a husband who delights in pointing out your chubbyness when your shorts don't fit anymore or when you put on your fat pants and you look well...fat! This is not my favorite phase of pregnancy and I'm highly looking forward to moving out of this phase and onto the phase where complete strangers will know I'm pregnant and not say things in their heads like, 'aww she's had one too many ho-hos this summer, poor girl'. Hurry up baby Crowe and grow! Please before your mama loses her dignity and makes a sign to wear around her neck that says "I'm not a chubby girl I'm 18 weeks pregnant!"
To cap it off here's a picture of 18 week chubby girl and here's to hoping 19 week chubby girl turns into 19 week visibly obviously pregnant girl.
Later gaters!
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