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Friday, July 6, 2012

My first blog!

So I decided since I live in Georgia and most of my family lives in Alabama, that I would start up a blog to keep everyone updated on life for the Crowes'. Ryan and I just celebrated our one year anniversary and are excited to welcome our first baby in December. We find out on Monday what we're having so expect a huge post of baby-ness on that day. :)

First I must introduce you to the mutts, our fur children, and our entertainment for the most part.

She is the golden child, the one who always listens, is so loving, and lives to make Ryan happy. Dally is the dog every person should have. Love her.

And then there's Shadow. While we love her, she's the special one. Shadow is the dog who digs holes and then remembers she's not supposed to and spends the rest of the afternoon hiding in the dog house. She's also the dog who will eat anything, aluminum cans, wood, sawdust, fertilizer (that one almost did her in) and anything she thinks might taste yummy. God love Shadow, she's so special you can't do anything but love her. 

Then of course is the hubs. The light of my life, my voice of reason, and my best friend. He has my heart. :) 

He can fix any mistake I've made, build anything he puts his mind to, and is a master handiman to have around. Sometimes I think I married MacGyver. And sometimes he thinks he married Lucille Ball, and there are days where he might just have done that.

Like I said earlier we just celebrated our one year anniversary and I cannot believe one year has already flown by. With that being said, last summer seems like forever ago!

The top picture is of us in Savannah on our honeymoon, the bottom picture is from this past weekend in Asheville at the amazing Biltmore. Loved both trips. The only difference between the two is the bottom picture I'm 17 weeks pregnant! Life is about to get interesting!

So that's the Crowe's. I'm sure there will be some entertaining stories to come shortly and if nothing else, updates about the newest edition to our family.

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